A Pilgrimage to Avos

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A Pilgrimage to Avos Icon.png
A Pilgrimage to Avos
A Pilgrimage to Avos.png
A page from the diary of a devout Avian.
common Pixels-Sell.png 25

A Pilgrimage to Avos is a codex found in Avian dungeons and villages.


A Pilgrimage to Avos

Like most Avians I was not born on Avos, but grew up surrounded by tales of our homeworld. For as long as I could remember I dreamed that I would one day travel there. It took many years of hard work and discipline to afford the trip, a crucial part of an Avian's pilgrimage.

Finally I made the long journey, and I was truly rewarded. The beauty of Avos is unrivalled in this universe, as Avos once dwelt in the Aether within the wings of Kluex.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem avianhistory7-codex
File Name avianhistory7.codex
File Path assets\codex\avian