Big Unusual Gift Box

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Big Unusual Gift Box Icon.png
Big Unusual Gift Box
Big Unusual Gift Box.gif

A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.

Disabled: Not currently available

Big Unusual Gift Box is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay.

Big Unusual Gift Box was a holiday themed object that was disabled with the disabling of the Toymaker's Table. When placed, it became a passive monster and could be destroyed for pixels or a Candy Cane.

Known Bug
Sewer Fly.png
The drop pool for this monster was removed from the game, but the monster assets were not. This will cause the game to crash if the monster is spawned. Never place this on your ship, as it may cause a crash loop.


Some use of "<nowiki>[[</nowiki>" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".

Racial Descriptions

  • Some part "<nowiki>...</nowiki>" of the query was not understood.
  • Some subquery has no valid condition.