Bone Spike

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Bone Spike Icon.png
Bone Spike
Bone Spike.png

Don't wanna fall on one of these...

Unobtainable Object

Bone Spike is an object unobtainable by players through normal means. This item's information is present in the game files, but not intended by developers to be in players' possession.

Bone Spike is a trap that deals damage when touched.

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : A sharp spike, made of bone.
Avian Icon.png Avian : The bone looks razor sharp.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Sharp and pointy.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Cautious. Sharp bone could penetrate Glitch shell.
Human Icon.png Human : I'd better not touch these.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : I will gracefully avoid these.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : Best to avoid that kinda thing.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem bonespike
File Name bonespike.object
File Path assets\objects\mission\bonespike