Deadbeat Straps Set

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Deadbeat Straps Set
Deadbeat Straps Set.png
Power Multiplier Stat.png     %
Protection Stat.png     
Max Energy Stat.png     
Max Health Stat.png     
Pixels-Sell.png 0

Deadbeat Straps Set is a set of costume armor found on decayed planets.

This set is similar to the Deadbeat Scrounger Set, but available for players to wear. It pairs well with the Deadbeat Horn Mask and Deadbeat Horns.

Set Pieces

Deadbeat Straps Icon.png
Deadbeat Straps
Deadbeat Straps.png
Leather Straps, which offer little actual protection.
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500
Deadbeat Straps Trousers Icon.png
Deadbeat Straps Trousers
Deadbeat Straps Trousers.png
Tough trousers, worn by exposure to the elements.
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500