Durable Fishing Rod

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Durable Fishing Rod Icon.png
Durable Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod
Durable Fishing Rod.png

A durasteel rod for fishing in extreme environments.

Durable Fishing Rod is an upgraded tool used to catch fish which is crafted at an Agricultural Station.

It can catch fish on all ocean planet types, including toxic or magma planets. It is the upgraded version of Fishing Rod.

Click here for a full list of fish catchable using a rod and details about controls.


Fishing rods can be augmented with upgraded reels and lures. These can sometimes be found as treasure from uncommon, rare and legendary fish, and are applied directly to the rod by selecting the augment in inventory and right clicking the rod to apply it to. Equipped augments can be viewed in the fishing rod tooltip.

All rods start with a Basic Lure and a Basic Reel equipped.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem durablefishingrod
File Name durablefishingrod.activeitem
File Path assets\items\active\fishingrod