George's Foxy Glasses

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George's Foxy Glasses Icon.png
George's Foxy Glasses
George's Foxy Glasses.png
Some sexy glasses that belong to George. Can you handle them!?
Legendary Pixels-Sell.png 0
Disabled: Not currently available

George's Foxy Glasses is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay.

George's Foxy Glasses are the costume helmet of George's Set, which is frequently worn by Starbound's game artist GeorgeV. It was never available to players through normal gameplay, but its assets existed in the game files. It was removed from the game files in update Rampaging Koala.

In update cheerful giraffe the glasses were readded to game files, and are worn by a developer NPC.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem georgedevhead
File Name georgedev.head
File Path assets\items\armors\decorative\hats\georgedev