Jump Boost

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Jump Boost
Status Jump Boost 2.png
Effects Increased jump height

Jump Boost is a buff status effect which increases the height players can jump. Foods that provide jump boost give a 20% increase to player jump height. The more powerful version of this buff is only available when using Blue Stim Packs, activating a Jump Booster, or being under the effects of a Blue Chemist - they increase jump height by 50%.


Jump Boost can be applied by:

Status Jump Boost 2.png Jump Boost (50%)

Item Duration
15 seconds
60 seconds

Status Jump Boost.png Jump Boost (20%)

Item Duration
225 seconds
135 seconds
180 seconds
135 seconds
383 seconds
270 seconds
158 seconds
270 seconds
210 seconds
30 seconds
158 seconds
180 seconds
158 seconds
248 seconds
210 seconds
180 seconds