Metal Lily Pad

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Metal Lily Pad Icon.png
Metal Lily Pad
Metal Lily Pad.png

It looks like a decorative lily pad.

Metal Lily Pad is a Hylotl themed decorative object found in Hylotl Underwater Cities.

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : A decorative lily pad. Nice.
Avian Icon.png Avian : I haven't seen this many lily pads since that time I crash-landed in a swamp.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.
Human Icon.png Human : The perfect gift for someone who adores lily pads. Unfortunately, that someone is not me.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : The beauty of nature meets the harshness of the urban sprawl.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem hylotllilypad
File Name hylotllilypad.object
File Path assets\objects\hylotl\hylotllilypad