Throwing Star

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Throwing Star Icon.png
Throwing Star
Throwable Item
Throwing Star.png

A throwing star, pocket-sized and deadly.

INGREDIENTS (makes 25)

Throwing Star is a Tier 5 throwing weapon that has a base power of 8 and a 0.15-second delay between consecutive throws with the same hand, producing a base one-handed DPS of ~53.3, which is slightly higher than that of the Energy Javelin.

Formerly, they were craftable at an Anvil, but this is no longer the case. Now they are found in containers on Arctic, Tundra and Midnight planets in bundles of 40 and rarely in Hylotl Underwater Ruins in bundles of 2.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem throwingstar
File Name throwingstar.thrownitem
File Path assets\items\throwables