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File Details

File Name exitteleporter.object
File Path assets\objects\teleporter\exitteleporter
inventoryIcon exitteleportericon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName exitteleporter
rarity Common
category teleporter
price 3000
printable False

description This teleporter will get you back to the ship when you're ready to leave.
shortdescription Exit Teleporter
apexDescription This will let me get back to my ship easily.
avianDescription I can get back to my ship by using this!
floranDescription Teleporter letss Floran get back to ship.
glitchDescription Relieved. This teleporter will allow me to return to my ship.
humanDescription I can use this once I'm ready to return to my ship.
hylotlDescription A useful way to quickly return to my ship.
novakidDescription A handy way to get back to my ship and on to the next adventure!
tags misc