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File Details

File Name manipulatortable.object
File Path assets/objects/crafting/manipulatortable
inventoryIcon manipulatortableicon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName manipulatortable
rarity Legendary
category Crafting
price 600
race generic
printable False

description Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.
shortdescription ^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;
apexDescription The equipment I can make here would provide a lot of destructive power at the cost of my defence.
avianDescription A manipulator's crafting table. They are masters of pure destructive power, but tend to be frail themselves.
floranDescription Ssstaff weapon very powerful, but Floran need lotsss of energy for it.
glitchDescription Observant. The armours I can make here won't be very strong, but they make up for it with massive energy reserves.
humanDescription If having deep energy reserves is my highest priority, the gear I can craft on this table would be best.
hylotlDescription With the equipment I can craft on this table, I could unleash terrible destructive power.
novakidDescription I can make myself some terrifyingly powerful equipment from this here station.
tags crafting, electronic