From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
Article Page
Wiki Page | Broken Round Table |
File Details
File Name | scorchedcitybrokentable.object |
File Path | assets\objects\biome\scorchedcity\scorchedcitybrokentable |
inventoryIcon | scorchedcitybrokentableicon.png |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | scorchedcitybrokentable |
rarity | Common |
category | furniture |
price | 70 |
race | generic |
Descriptions | |
description | A broken wooden table. |
shortdescription | Broken Round Table |
apexDescription | A broken table. |
avianDescription | This table is completely broken. |
floranDescription | Sssomeone sssmash table. |
glitchDescription | Paranoid. Who destroyed this table? |
humanDescription | Looks like someone took a hammer to this table. |
hylotlDescription | How did this table get so badly broken? |
novakidDescription | Junk. No good to anyone. |
tags | scorched |