Easily Spooked
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Easily Spooked is one of 14 personality types which an NPC can have. NPCs with this personality type are superstitious and easily scared. In addition, they wake up from their sleep before the break of dawn (specifically, at time 0.9, where 0.0 is dawn and 0.5 is dusk).
Special Reactions
Easily Spooked NPCs gain the following reactions (see Personality for the defaults which are overridden by this personality's reactions):
- Spontaneous: Panic
- Has Quest: Panic
- Near Player: Flee (~16.7%) or Quit (~83.3%)
- Videogame Complete: Panic
- Gong Complete: Panic
- Drum Complete: Panic
- Music: Panic
- Music Finished: Flee or Panic
- Cry: Panic
- Panic: Panic (~83.3%) or Flee (~16.7%)
- Schadenfreude: Panic (30%), Cry (30%), Flee (20%) or Go Home (20%)
- Vomit: Panic or Flee
- Nosebleed: Panic (~76.9%) or Flee (~23.1%)
- Follow: Flee
- Creepy Follow: Flee
- Default: Panic
In addition, Easily Spooked NPCs can use Panic or Flee after any other reaction; however, Panic is much more likely to occur than Flee.
Special Status Messages
In addition to generic status messages, Easily Spooked NPCs may decide to use the following status messages:
Easily Spooked Status Messages |