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"denseLarge" Used to define "things" (literally, look at it as if it'd be a class) regarding distribution
"denseMedium" Used to define "things" (literally, look at it as if it'd be a class) regarding distribution
"denseSmall" Used to define "things" (literally, look at it as if it'd be a class) regarding distribution
"type" Used in a parental function to define the distribution. Known values: "periodic", "random"
"octaves" [Needs info] Defines how much space there can be between 2 ores of the same vein
"alpha" Seriously, no clue
"beta" No clue
"modulus" [Guess] Defines how many ores there are in the vein
"modulusVariance" [Guess] Variable amount of missing / additional ores in a vein, based off "modulus"
"densityPeriod" [Guess] Defines how dense the vein itself is [Needs info]
"densityOffset" [Guess] Variable offset based off "densityPeriod"
"rypePeriod" Not a single clue
"scatteredSmall" Used for single ores found randomly
"scatteredPots" Used to define ore distribution [No clue what they mean with pots, tho]
"blockProbability" Defines the chance of spawning per block (1.0 = 100%)
"oceanRare" Uhm... I... don't know
"scatteredLarge" Used for single ores in greater values (?)
"moderateClumps" Used for "clumps" of ores (Default: 6 ores in a radius of 10 blocks)
"rareClumpySmall" Used for "clumps" of ores (Default: 4 ores in a radius of 10 blocks)
"rareClumpyLarge" Used for "clumps" of ores (Default: 8 ores in a radius of 10 blocks)
"denseSurfaceCrops" Used for crop distribution (on the planet's surface)
"surfaceCrops" Used for crop distribution (on the planet's surface)
"undergroundCrops" Used for crop distribution (in underground biomes)
"undergroundVines" Used for vine distribution (in underground biomes)
"surfaceCapsule" Used for pixel-capsule distribution (on the planet's surface)
"undergroundCapsule" Used for pixel-capsule distribution (in underground biomes)
"potsRare" I - have - no - clue.
"tiyDist" Distribution of random @Tiy on your planet. No, really, I have no idea.
"tiyDistRare" There are even rare Tiys. They're pink.
"tiyDistPlatform" Used to create Tiy-altars.
"tiyDistTerrainfeatures" Ever wanted a terraforming Tiy on your planet? Here you go!
"randomEncounter" [Guess] Defines the chances of monsters spawning on the planet
"randomEncounterUnderground" [Guess] Defines the chances of monsters spawning underground
"rareItems" [Guess] Defines the chance of rare items spawning (like the little ore-thingys)
"minibossoverground" Defines the chances of minibosses spawning on the surface
"overgroundChests" Defines the spawnrate of normal chests (Surface only)
"overgroundRareChests" Defines the spawnrate of rare chests (Surface only)
"undergroundChests" Defines the spawnrate of normal chests (Underground biomes only)
"undergroundtechChests" Defines the spawnrate of techchests spawning (Underground biomes only)
"layer1Chests" Seperate chance-value of chests spawning on layer1 (Note: Layers are defined biome-sided)
"layer2Chests" Seperate chance-value of chests spawning on layer2 (Note: Layers are defined biome-sided)
"layer3Chests" Seperate chance-value of chests spawning on layer3 (Note: Layers are defined biome-sided)
"minibiomeChests" Defines the spawnrate of chests for minibiomes
"undergroundOreRocks" Defines the distribution of ore-rocks in underground biomes
"hazardUndergroundCeilingTop" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Ceiling only)
"hazardUndergroundCeilingMid" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Ceiling only)
"hazardUndergroundCeilingLower" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Ceiling only)
"hazardUndergroundCeilingCore" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Ceiling only)
"hazardUndergroundTop" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Floor only)
"hazardUndergroundMid" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Floor only)
"hazardUndergroundLower" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Floor only)
"hazardUndergroundCore" [Guess] Defines the spawnrate of spikes (Floor only)
"ultraRare" This is just a reference for spawnchances (0.035% / block)
"veryRare" This is just a reference for spawnchances (1% / block)
"rare" This is just a reference for spawnchances (5% / block)
"uncommon" This is just a reference for spawnchances (20% / block)
"common" This is just a reference for spawnchances (40% / block)
"superCommon" This is just a reference for spawnchances (80% / block)
"everywhere" This is just a reference for spawnchances (100% / block)