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A mockup of the UI window

S.A.I.L., short for Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, is the sentient A.I. that controls the Player's ship's computer. S.A.I.L. It is presented in a humanoid form with no fine details. The console it is located on also allows the player to choose missions they have unlocked as well as tracking all of the crew members employed on the ship. For more information on the console, see the Ship Station article.

Occasionally, S.A.I.L. will comment on your progress throughout the game. This is usually during main story missions along with Esther. S.A.I.L's commentary is typically delivered as generally useful information, followed by a deadpan compliment, such as "This planet is home to many hostile organisms. I applaud your bravery for showing interest in this world".

When the player visits a dangerous planet without proper protective equipment, S.A.I.L will hastily recite a pre-written warning urging them not to proceed.

The color of S.A.I.L. and the design of the ship computer depends on the characters race.

Beta Designs

During beta, each race had a different S.A.I.L. avatar and S.A.I.L.'s current appearance was used only for Human characters.

HumanAI.gif The old Human AI represented a plain humanoid figure. Its unique emote replaced its face with an hourglass.
ApexAI.gif The old Apex AI was styled after Apex's authoritarian leader, Big Ape. The unique emote showed the AI fuming with anger.
GlitchAI.gif The old Glitch AI represented a wizard. Its unique emote depicted a bunny under its hat.
FloranAI.gif The old Floran AI was similar to human AI in appearance, but it was coloured green and had spiral-shaped eyes. Its unique emote showed its face spinning, and its yelling animation showed its face turned upside-down. When denying something, its mouth became X-shaped and its eyes spun.
AvianAI.gif The old Avian AI was a bundle of crystals. All of its animations show the crystals glowing in various patterns.
HylotlAI.gif The old Hylotl AI represented a Hylotl elder. Like the Apex AI, its unique emote depicted that AI as angry. The blink frame shows its eyes wide open rather than closed.
NovakidAI.gif The old Novakid AI depicted a horse-headed figure. Its unique emote depicted it rolling its eyes in a dazed fashion, with an unicorn horn. When denying a request, it would stick its tongue out.

Concept Designs

The beta designs were initially presented within a Dev Log[1], revealing certain features that were later revised or expanded upon in later iterations.

Original AI Appearances


HorseAI.gif Unimplemented graphics of an alternate Glitch AI reveal a questionable design. This was confirmed to be an April Fools joke, with many of its assets recycled into the Novakid AI in subsequent builds.

