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Has apexDescription A shop selling teleporters. This could come in handy.  +
Has article 2 Stop Teleshop  +
Has avianDescription Oh, it's a shop selling teleportation devices! Very useful to know.  +
Has category other  +
Has description This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.  +
Has filename 2stopshop.object  +
Has floranDescription Floran can buy teleportersss from this shop.  +
Has glitchDescription Interested. A vendor selling teleportation devices!  +
Has humanDescription A shop full of teleporters. A set up for the perfect getaway...  +
Has hylotlDescription A shop selling teleporters. Maybe I should browse it.  +
Has inventoryIcon icon.png  +
Has lightColor <div style="background:rgb(89,140,179); height:20px; width:90px;"> </div>  +
Has novakidDescription A shop sellin' teleporters... If you've got a pot of pixels to spare.  +
Has objectName 2stopshop  +
Has path assets\objects\outpost\2stopteleshop  +
Has printable False  +
Has race generic  +
Has rarity Common  +
Has shortdescription 2 Stop Teleshop  +
Has tag outpost  +
Has tooltipcategory Other  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Data:2stopshop + , Data:2stopshop + , Data:2stopshop +
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
12 July 2017 13:41:03  +
hide properties that link here 
  No properties link to this page.


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