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Data:Bunkerceilinglight2 |
Has apexDescription | A metallic ceiling light. + |
Has article | Metal Ceiling Lamp (2) + |
Has avianDescription | A ceiling light. + |
Has baseprice | 75 + |
Has category | light + |
Has description | A metallic ceiling lamp. + |
Has filename | bunkerceilinglight2.object + |
Has floranDescription | Hanging lamp. + |
Has glitchDescription | Bored. A light fixture. + |
Has humanDescription | A device you attach to your head, and... wait, no, it's just a light. + |
Has hylotlDescription | An uninteresting ceiling light. + |
Has inventoryIcon | bunkerceilinglight2icon.png + |
Has lightColor | <div style="background:rgb(204,204,188); height:20px; width:90px;"> </div> + |
Has novakidDescription | A plain lookin' ceilin' light. + |
Has objectName | bunkerceilinglight2 + |
Has path | assets\objects\human\bunkerceilinglight2 + |
Has price | 75 + |
Has race | human + |
Has rarity | Common + |
Has shortdescription | Metal Ceiling Lamp + |
Has tag | human + , humanbunker + , light + |
Has tooltipcategory | Light Source + |
Has query "Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Data:Bunkerceilinglight2 + , Data:Bunkerceilinglight2 + , Data:Bunkerceilinglight2 + |
Categories | Short Description Mismatch |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
8 July 2016 01:40:20 + |
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