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Data:Jumpbooster |
Has apexDescription | If I stand over this vent it will boost my jump. + |
Has article | Jump Booster + |
Has avianDescription | This vent increases the height I can jump. + |
Has baseprice | 0 + |
Has category | trap + |
Has description | The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power. + |
Has filename | jumpbooster.object + |
Has fireTime | 0.16 + |
Has floranDescription | After walking through this gasss Floran can jump like monster. + |
Has glitchDescription | Excited. This vapour will allow me to jump very high indeed. + |
Has humanDescription | It may look dangerous, but this gas has beneficial properties. + |
Has hylotlDescription | Infused with the powers of this vapour I am able to reach new heights. + |
Has inventoryIcon | jumpboostericon.png + |
Has novakidDescription | This device boosts my jumps. + |
Has objectName | jumpbooster + |
Has path | assets\objects\ancient\jumpbooster + |
Has price | 0 + |
Has printable | False + |
Has race | ancient + |
Has rarity | Legendary + |
Has rateoffire | 6.3 + |
Has shortdescription | Jump Booster + |
Has soundEffect | /sfx/objects/gasbooster_loop.ogg + |
Has tag | ancient + |
Has tooltipcategory | Trap + |
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Data:Jumpbooster + , Data:Jumpbooster + , Data:Jumpbooster + |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
7 July 2016 23:02:34 + |
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