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Has apexDescription Such spotlights are used by the Miniknog to force people to talk. Spotlights, and worse...  +
Has article Small Floodlight  +
Has avianDescription An annoying, blinding light.  +
Has baseprice 75  +
Has category light  +
Has description It feels like I'm on stage!  +
Has filename prisonfloodlight.object  +
Has floranDescription Floran feelss like centre of attention.  +
Has glitchDescription Stealthy. By analysing this floodlight's patterns, it would be easy to sneak around it.  +
Has humanDescription I've always wanted to be in the spotlight.  +
Has hylotlDescription A bright, piercing floodlight.  +
Has inventoryIcon prisonfloodlighticon.png  +
Has lightColor <div style="background:rgb(255,255,245); height:20px; width:90px;"> </div>  +
Has novakidDescription A bright light.  +
Has objectName prisonfloodlight  +
Has path assets\objects\human\prisonfloodlight  +
Has price 75  +
Has race human  +
Has rarity Common  +
Has shortdescription Small Floodlight  +
Has tag human  + , humanprison  + , light  +
Has tooltipcategory Light Source  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Data:Prisonfloodlight + , Data:Prisonfloodlight + , Data:Prisonfloodlight +
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
8 July 2016 01:46:23  +
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