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Data:Springchest |
Has apexDescription | A pretty chest like that must be hiding something sweet. + |
Has article | Spring Chest + |
Has avianDescription | A pretty flower chest! + |
Has baseprice | 40 + |
Has category | storage + |
Has description | A chest with a spring flower latch. + |
Has filename | springchest.object + |
Has floranDescription | The besst chest a Floran can possess. + |
Has glitchDescription | Cynical. This chest looks innocent. Too innocent, surely. + |
Has humanDescription | A flower chest, how sweet. + |
Has hylotlDescription | An average looking chest, adorned with the natural beauty of nature. + |
Has inventoryIcon | springchesticon.png + |
Has novakidDescription | A chest with a pretty flower on it. Smells nice too. + |
Has objectName | springchest + |
Has path | assets\objects\biome\spring\springchest + |
Has price | 40 + |
Has printable | False + |
Has race | generic + |
Has rarity | Common + |
Has shortdescription | Spring Chest + |
Has tag | spring + , nature + , storage + |
Has tooltipKind | container + |
Has tooltipcategory | Storage + |
Has query "Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Data:Springchest + , Data:Springchest + , Data:Springchest + |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
21 August 2016 18:08:04 + |
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