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I am a Software Developer and analyst with Penn State University who's responsible for client and server system deployment and support. I'm also a gamer, and more recently an avid Starbound fan.

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Hopefully I can contribute to Starbounder over time with corrections and additional content. My specialties include GUI and UX development, but my downfall is being a perfectionist. After all, games like Starbound do attract perfectionists like me.

About Me

I am a GenXer who dabbles in everything computer-related, from software development and multimedia to hardware and modding. Custom solutions, custom systems, custom apps, and custom processes. I live in the US, am married to a Filipino-American, pay mortgage on a house, run a separate rental property, and have been working for Penn State since 2005. In the 90s I worked for dotcoms, family businesses, a military contractor, and even a public school district.

Latest Tip

To easily lock up your crew in an isolated part of your ship: add a flag to your ship's main area, then block off an area for them and place a transporter in it. Talk to two crew members to get them to follow you, beam to the transporter, talk to them to have them stay put, beam back, repeat. For the tailor, you'll need to get them to these locations by attracting them with a water cooler or other usable item, then block off their exit.

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