Dog Hat

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Dog Hat Icon.png
Dog Hat
Dog Hat.png
So you can look like a dog!
Legendary Pixels-Sell.png 5000

Dog Hat is a costume hat.

The design was submitted by a platinum tier pre-order backer, who was granted the ability to design a hat to be included in the game.

It has an extremely rare chance of being found in chests throughout the universe. While most costume hats have a similar chance of being found inside costume chests (0.3%), this hat has one of the rarest drop rate of all (0.1%), making it among the rarest costume hats in the game.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem doghathead
File Name doghat.head
File Path assets\items\armors\backerhats\doghat
Costume Hats
Hood With EarsAlien SkullAll-Seeing HelmetApex Skull MaskAvian Skull MaskBanana MaskBandit's BandanaBandit's HoodBear HatBeehive
Berry HatBrewmaster HatBuilding HatBunny HatBunny MaskCapCaptain's CapCardboard HatCardboard Hobo HatCateye Glasses
Clock TophatCool FezDapper HatDastardly EyepatchDeep Diver HelmetDinosaur HatDiving MaskEvil Mushroom HatFancy HatFeather Headband
FedoraFloran Skull MaskFloppy Fancy HatFluorescent HelmetFoundry GogglesFoundry Hard HatFrost CrownGag NoseGas MaskGladiator Helmet
Glitch CrownGlitch Skull MaskGnome CapGnome HatGoat Skull MaskGreenfinger's HeaddressHard HatHero's CapHorse HeadHouse Hat
Human Skull MaskHylotl Skull MaskIce Cube MaskIndustrial Crew HelmetInsidious MaskJester's HatKitty HatKnight HelmetLuchador MaskM1 Helmet
M1 Medic HelmetMech Pilot HelmetMining HelmetMonocleMushroom HatPhrygian CapPipe HatPlague Doctor MaskPlain HoodPyramid Head
Rainbow HoodReed HatRock HatSabertooth HelmSafety HelmetSassy BeretShark HatShroom Disguise MaskSkull MaskSnorkel
SombreroSpacebird HelmetStrawberry MaskSunglassesSymbioteTribal MaskTeddy HatTerrifying Eye HatThe AerohelmThick Tar Mask
Three-Eyed GlassesTiger HatTop HatTop Top HatT.V. HelmetUnicorn HeadUshankaVenetian MaskVery Subtle WigVicious Mask