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Items are defined as consumables, tools, armor, weapons, etc. that cannot be placed, as opposed to objects which include furniture, crafting benches and any interactive (with the 'E' key) object that can be placed in the game world.


Folder Description
Assets/items/active Contains item settings, assets, and scripting for activated items.
Assets/items/armors Contains item settings and assets for armors.
Assets/items/buildscripts Contains scripting for weapons and shields.
Assets/items/coins Contains item settings and assets for coins.
Assets/items/fishing Contains item settings and assets for fishing poles
Assets/items/generic Contains item settings and assets for crafting items, consumables, food/drink, etc.
Assets/items/guns Contains item settings and assets for guns.
Assets/items/instruments Contains item settings and assets for instruments.
Assets/items/liquids Contains item settings and assets for liquids.
Assets/items/materials Contains item settings and assets for material items.
Assets/items/ship Contains item settings and assets for ship upgrade items.
Assets/items/skyrail Contains material files for Skyrails.
Assets/items/staves Contains item settings and assets for staves.
Assets/items/swords Contains item settings and assets for swords and other melee weapons.
Assets/items/throwables Contains item settings and assets for thrown items.
Assets/items/tools Contains item settings and assets for tools (eg. pickaxes).

The \active directory is the most complex within this section as it contains files for weapons featuring alt-abilities (example: broadswords, assault rifles, fists), shields, vehicle controllers, and the grappling hook. In contrast, the \coins and \fishing directories only contain a single JSON and PNG file each.


File Description
defaultParameters.config General configuration file for items. Contains properties for items.


  • This file does not currently work with .patch files, and will require a file replacement for changes to apply.[1]
  • blockRadius : Sets block placement size; does not affect mining or distance. Default: 2 (ex: 2x2)
  • altBlockRadius : Sets block placement size when Shift is held; does not affect mining or distance. Default: 1 (ex: 1x1)
  • defaultMaxStack : Sets default maximum stack size for all items & objects that do not have maxStack set. Default: 1000
  • defaultPrice : Sets default value for all items & objects that do not have price set. Default: 0
    Note: Nearly all items & objects have price set, including dirt.
  • blueprintPriceFactor : Sets value of all blueprints by multiplying value of crafted object. Default: 1.25
  • Contains various other parameters, such as pickupSounds and defaultTimeToLive.

Common Extensions

File Description
.head Used for head-based armor and vanity items
.chest Used for chest-based armor and vanity items
.legs Used for leg-based armor and vanity items
.coinitem Used for the pixel item
.item Used for most items, for an example the iron ingot.
.liqitem Used for liquid items.
.consumable Used for items like food and stimpacks
.unlock Used for tech upgrades and the portable 3d printer.
.gun Used for guns and similar items.
.generatedgun Used for randomly generated guns.
.instrument Used for intruments like the piano and the microphone.
.matitem Used for the item versions of tiles. Some examples are the item versions of the boneblock and thatch.
.generatedshield Used for randomly generated shields.
.sword Used for swords and similar items.
.generatedsword Used for randomly generated swords and similar items.
.thrownitem Used for thrown items, like grenades.
.beamaxe Used for the matter manipulator.
.harvestingtool Used for items like the stone axe and chainsaw.
.miningtool Used for items like the pickaxes and drills.
.flashlight Used for flashlights.
.grapplinghook Used for the grappling hook.
.tilingtool Used for items like the stone hoe
.painttool Used for items like the painting tool.
.wiretool Used for items like the wiring tool.

Common File Parameters

These are parameters that will show up frequently when viewing JSON files throughout the /items directory.

  • itemName : Sets an item name used by the game engine. Does not normally appear within the game.
  • price : Sets the value, which is used for selling or purchasing an item with pixels.
  • maxStack : Sets the maximum stack size for an item.
  • rarity : Sets item rarity, which is used for item icon borders.
    Values: common, uncommon, rare, legendary
  • description : Sets an item description that displays in tooltips.
  • shortdescription : Sets an item name that players will see within the game.
  • inventoryIcon : Sets an item icon used for inventory and tooltips. Some items just use image for icons.
  • image : Sets a main item image used by player characters and tooltips. Sometimes used for icons.
  • tooltipKind : Sets the type of tooltip format used for an item. If omitted, default tooltip format is used.
  • colorOptions : Sets the current color for an item, typically only used for the dying system in this directory.


Typical layout for this parameter (example from Cool Jacket, which has a default color of "blue"):

"colorOptions" : [
  /* BLUE */
  { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" },
  /* BLACK */
  { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" },
  /* GREY */
  { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" },
  /* WHITE */
  { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" },
  /* RED */
  { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" },
  /* ORANGE */
  { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" },
  /* YELLOW */
  { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" },
  /* GREEN */
  { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" },
  /* BLUE */
  { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" },
  /* PURPLE */
  { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" },
  /* PINK */
  { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" },
  /* BROWN */
  { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }

Each object within this array consists of four name/value pairs, all of which are 6-digit hexadecimal codes that correspond with an RGB color (RRGGBB). The game finds colors by going through this array in order, in which the 1st object is always the default color set (item spawns with this color, and can also be reacquired with Dye Remover), 2nd is always the black color set, 3rd is always the grey color set, and so on.

ffca8a, e0975c, a85636, 6f2919
The four names in these name/value pairs are used in PNG files for dying purposes, and should be used in all images where you would want a color to be affected by dyes; all other colors in a PNG file will not change when dying. It can be helpful to create the PNG file with the colors you want first, write down the hex code for those colors, and then replace them with the dye colors used here.

96cbe7, 5588d4, 344495, 1a1c51
The four values in these name/value pairs are what will appear in the game, and can be changed without causing any problems. It is recommended that the color values after the 1st object follow the dying color scheme (2nd: Black, 3rd: Grey, 4th: White, 5th: Red, etc.).


  1. Chucklefish Forum: February 2016, Version: Glad Giraffe