Deadly Chill

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Deadly Chill
Planet Hazard
Status Cold.png
Effects -7.5 Energy/s (-15 HP/s if Energy=0), Prevents Energy Regeneration, 40% Run Speed and Jump Height Reduction, Player Turns Blue

Tier 5 Planets

Deadly Chill is a planet hazard status effect present on all Tier 5 Planets. It reduces run speed and jump height by 40% and turns the player blue. In addition, it prevents energy regeneration and drains 2.5 energy three times per second until energy is depleted, then 5 health three times per second until player death. This severe status effect greatly impedes planetary activities in several ways: by effectively blocking all energy-using actions, by forcing the player to use Bandages (or Nanowrap Bandages) to counteract the health drain, and by slowing the player.

Players can protect themselves by equipping heating EPP or its upgrade. Once protected, players are immune to this effect.

When piloting a mech on a planet or in a space encounter that inflicts Deadly Chill, S.A.I.L. will prompt the pilot with a message: "WARNING! Your vehicle is not certified for this environment. Disregarding this warning may cause pilot death and/or invalidation of vehicle warranty." When subject to Deadly Chill without a sufficient body, the mech will drain 25 more MJ of energy per second. A mech body can resist Deadly Chill if the sum of its Max Energy and Defense rating bars is at least 6.

The Deadly Chill status effect is present on planets with these primary biomes: