Planet Project

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Marked for Deletion

This page and its content are flagged for deletion for the following reason:
This page functionality was never implemented and nothing has been updated on this page for almost ten years.

Planet Project Banner 1.png
The planet project is the main undertaking of this wiki. In addition to acting as a general wiki for all things Starbound, the planet project is an attempt to catalog every planet in the Starbound universe. This may prove to be an impossible task, but we hope it will provide a resource for players to find and share things with the Starbound community.

Ultimately the goal is to provide access to planet information so players can more quickly and easily find what they're after in game. Looking for a certain kind of resource? After a specific monster to catch? This is the kind of thing we want to make easy for players to find.

This section of the website is under development, once it is finished it will be available to catalog planets.

ADD A PLANET (Not yet enabled)