Cooling EPP Upgrade

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Cooling EPP Upgrade Icon.png
Cooling EPP Upgrade
Enviro Protection Pack
Cooling EPP Upgrade.png

This upgrade adds cool air generation to your EPP's capabilities. Helpful on dangerously hot planets.

The Cooling EPP Upgrade is the highest tier of Environmental Protection Pack, and makes players immune to the deadly heat planetary hazard while worn. This hazard deals damage to the player at any time they are standing on the ground of Decayed, Magma, and Volcanic planets.

Like all EPPs, it confers the abilities of all previous tiers: in this case, the ability to breathe in airless environments, as well as protection from deadly radiation and deadly chill.

Like other EPPs, it has a slot to fit augments. These offer a variety of beneficial effects such as illumination, regeneration and protection. Augments are applied by right-clicking the desired augment on the EPP. EPPs can hold exactly one augment, and applying another augment will destroy the previously fitted augment. Using an augmented EPP in the crafting recipe for the next tier of EPP will also destroy the fitted augment.

Item name is: heatprotectionback



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem heatprotectionback
File Name heatprotection.back
File Path assets\items\armors\backitems\heatprotection