Apex Respawn Pod

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Apex Respawn Pod Icon.png
Apex Respawn Pod
Apex Respawn Pod.png

A factory capabable of creating the latest in urban robot technology.

Disabled: Not currently available

Apex Respawn Pod is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay.

Apex Respawn Pod is a disabled Apex object in the base game assets. It was a spawner that periodically spawned Apex NPCs. Its appearance was nearly identical to the Life Support Pod, except that it was animated. During the spawn animation, the empty tank would fill with green water, an opaque screen would cover the tank briefly, and when it was removed, an Apex would be suspended in the tank, then the tank would drain and the Apex NPC would be released.

The description and racial quote text described the pod as an assembly line for robots, but the code spawned Apex NPCs.

The Apex Respawn Pod is the only object in the game that has been disabled by renaming the object file from respawnpod.object to respawnpod.object.disabled. As such, it cannot be spawned into the game, even with admin commands. It likely was an abandoned concept from the beta era, and was intended to be removed from the assets.