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Instruments needs description.
itemName | Filename | Wiki Page | Rarity | Description |
Accordion | accordion.instrument | Accordion | Common | An accordion. Get those arms working! |
Acousticguitar | acousticguitar.instrument | Acoustic Guitar | Common | An acoustic guitar. Perfect for campfire songs. |
Banjo | banjo.instrument | Banjo | Common | A banjo. Get ready to duel! |
Bassguitar | bassguitar.instrument | Bass Guitar | Common | A bass guitar. Lay down some rhythm. |
Bones | bones.instrument | Floran Bone Xylophone | Common | A bone xylophone. Produces a killer sound. |
Brightpiano | brightpiano.instrument | Bright Piano | Common | A bright-sounding piano. Great for performing more upbeat songs! |
Clarinet | clarinet.instrument | Clarinet | Common | A clarinet. Try not to squeak. |
Drumkit | drumkit.instrument | Drum Kit | Common | A drum kit. Better warn the neighbours. |
Dulcimer | dulcimer.instrument | Hammered Dulcimer | Common | A hammered dulcimer. Bash out a tune. |
Electricbass | electricbass.instrument | Electric Bass Guitar | Common | An electric bass guitar. Lay down some rhythm. |
Flute | flute.instrument | Flute | Common | A flute. But is it magic? |
Harmonica | harmonica.instrument | Harmonica | Common | A harmonica. Favourite instrument of grizzled space captains. |
Harp | harp.instrument | Harp | Common | A harp. Plucky. |
Keyboard | keyboard.instrument | The Model M | Common | A Glitch model M. With buckling spring mechanism from a more civilized age. |
Koto | koto.instrument | Koto | Common | A koto. For that oriental sound. |
Leadguitar | leadguitar.instrument | Lead Guitar | Common | A lead guitar. For those who like to showboat. |
Microphone | microphone.instrument | Low-Pitch Microphone | Common | A microphone. How low can you go? |
Microphonefem | microphonefem.instrument | High-Pitch Microphone | Common | A microphone. For all the soulful divas out there. |
Musicbox | musicbox.instrument | Music Box | Common | A music box. Is this a wind-up? |
Nylonguitar | nylonguitar.instrument | Nylon Guitar | Common | A nylon guitar. It gently weeps. |
Oboe | oboe.instrument | Oboe | Common | An oboe. It's pretty dusty. |
Ocarina | ocarina.instrument | Ocarina | Common | An ocarina. Make sure you have time to practise. |
Overdriveguitar | overdriveguitar.instrument | Overdrive Guitar | Common | A guitar. For those who like distortion. |
Piano | piano.instrument | Piano | Common | A piano. Truly a key instrument. |
Reedorgan | reedorgan.instrument | Reed Organ | Common | A reed organ. Don't blow this performance. |
Rockorgan | rockorgan.instrument | Rock Organ | Common | A rock organ. A real stadium-filler. |
Saxophone | saxophone.instrument | Saxophone | Common | A saxophone. For when you've got the space blues. |
Spaceorgan | spaceorgan.instrument | Space Synth | Common | Far out, man. |
Squarewave | squareorgan.instrument | Square Wave | Common | Perfect for adding that synthetic feeling to your performance. |
Steeldrum | steeldrum.instrument | Steel Drum | Common | A steel drum. Let's make some noise. |
Test | test.instrument | common | todo | |
Trumpet | trumpet.instrument | Trumpet | Common | A trumpet. Try not to blow your own horn. |
Violin | violin.instrument | Violin | Common | A violin. Don't bow out just yet. |
File | Description |
.instrument | General configuration file for instruments. Contains properties for the instruments. |
.png | Image files for instruments. Contains the sprites used for displaying instruments in-game. |