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Instruments needs description.

itemNameFilenameWiki PageRarityDescription
Accordionaccordion.instrumentAccordionCommonAn accordion. Get those arms working!
Acousticguitaracousticguitar.instrumentAcoustic GuitarCommonAn acoustic guitar. Perfect for campfire songs.
Banjobanjo.instrumentBanjoCommonA banjo. Get ready to duel!
Bassguitarbassguitar.instrumentBass GuitarCommonA bass guitar. Lay down some rhythm.
Bonesbones.instrumentFloran Bone XylophoneCommonA bone xylophone. Produces a killer sound.
Brightpianobrightpiano.instrumentBright PianoCommonA bright-sounding piano. Great for performing more upbeat songs!
Clarinetclarinet.instrumentClarinetCommonA clarinet. Try not to squeak.
Drumkitdrumkit.instrumentDrum KitCommonA drum kit. Better warn the neighbours.
Dulcimerdulcimer.instrumentHammered DulcimerCommonA hammered dulcimer. Bash out a tune.
Electricbasselectricbass.instrumentElectric Bass GuitarCommonAn electric bass guitar. Lay down some rhythm.
Fluteflute.instrumentFluteCommonA flute. But is it magic?
Harmonicaharmonica.instrumentHarmonicaCommonA harmonica. Favourite instrument of grizzled space captains.
Harpharp.instrumentHarpCommonA harp. Plucky.
Keyboardkeyboard.instrumentThe Model MCommonA Glitch model M. With buckling spring mechanism from a more civilized age.
Kotokoto.instrumentKotoCommonA koto. For that oriental sound.
Leadguitarleadguitar.instrumentLead GuitarCommonA lead guitar. For those who like to showboat.
Microphonemicrophone.instrumentLow-Pitch MicrophoneCommonA microphone. How low can you go?
Microphonefemmicrophonefem.instrumentHigh-Pitch MicrophoneCommonA microphone. For all the soulful divas out there.
Musicboxmusicbox.instrumentMusic BoxCommonA music box. Is this a wind-up?
Nylonguitarnylonguitar.instrumentNylon GuitarCommonA nylon guitar. It gently weeps.
Oboeoboe.instrumentOboeCommonAn oboe. It's pretty dusty.
Ocarinaocarina.instrumentOcarinaCommonAn ocarina. Make sure you have time to practise.
Overdriveguitaroverdriveguitar.instrumentOverdrive GuitarCommonA guitar. For those who like distortion.
Pianopiano.instrumentPianoCommonA piano. Truly a key instrument.
Reedorganreedorgan.instrumentReed OrganCommonA reed organ. Don't blow this performance.
Rockorganrockorgan.instrumentRock OrganCommonA rock organ. A real stadium-filler.
Saxophonesaxophone.instrumentSaxophoneCommonA saxophone. For when you've got the space blues.
Spaceorganspaceorgan.instrumentSpace SynthCommonFar out, man.
Squarewavesquareorgan.instrumentSquare WaveCommonPerfect for adding that synthetic feeling to your performance.
Steeldrumsteeldrum.instrumentSteel DrumCommonA steel drum. Let's make some noise.
Trumpettrumpet.instrumentTrumpetCommonA trumpet. Try not to blow your own horn.
Violinviolin.instrumentViolinCommonA violin. Don't bow out just yet.


File Description
.instrument General configuration file for instruments. Contains properties for the instruments.
.png Image files for instruments. Contains the sprites used for displaying instruments in-game.