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"commandName" Defined name, used for global linking between files
"onlyOnce" [Needs information] Can only be called once per character / S.A.I.L Instance, boolean value.
"actions" Function to include actions in the command
"action" Well, an action to be performerd when the command is called. Known variations: DisableCommand, StartQuest, PlaySound, upgradeShip, EnableCommand, GivePlayerItem, PlayCinematic, GiveBlueprint, UpdatePlayerEssentialItem, showTech
"command" Calls another .aicommand function, used in DisableCommand and EnableCommand actions
"shipParameters" Parental function for upgradeShip related functions
"capabilities" Needs further research, known function: "teleport", enables the BeamUp and BeamDown quickicon and access to the shipteleporter
"shipLevel" Sets the shipLevel to a specified number (Note: Sets! Not adds!)
"questId" Link to a .gearup file in the quest directories
"sound" Filepath to the sound used in PlaySound function, played when the command is called
"speciesText" Parental function for species-dynamic strings
"buttonText" String thats shown on the command-related button in the S.A.I.L. interface
"selectSpeech" Text response from the AI once you click on the command-related button
"successSpeech" Text response from the AI once you apply the command-related function
"failSpeech" Text response from the AI if certain requirements for calling the command aren't met
"blueprintName" Used in the GiveBlueprint action. Defines a blueprint via name that's teached to the player
"itemsRequired" Items used to apply the upgrade
"tileDamage" Power-related setting for the Matter Manipulator essential Item
"minBeamJitter" Graphical related setting for the Matter Manipulator essential item (minimal laser-thingy size)
"maxBeamJitter" Graphical related setting for the Matter Manipulator essential item (maximal laser-thingy size)
"essentialItem" Defines which item is modified / given to the player
"techName" An array of tech names, used in "showTech" action to activate specified techs


DisableCommand Removes defined command from the S.A.I.L. Interface
EnableCommand Enables defined command and let it appear in the S.A.I.L. Interface
StartQuest Starts the specified quest (always a .gearup file)
PlaySound Specifies the path to a sound played when the command is applied
upgradeShip Upgrades the shipLevel / unlocks specified functions
GivePlayerItem Gives essential items to the player. (Beamaxe, Wiretool, Painttool)
PlayCinematic Specifies a path to and plays a cinematic animation when the command is applied
GiveBlueprint Teaches a blueprint to the player
UpdatePlayerEssentialItem Function to (re)define values of essential playeritems
showTech Activates all techs in the "techName" array