Property:Has florandescription
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Pages using the property "Has florandescription"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
(previous 25) (next 25)A | |
Alienrock + | Floran like sstrange rocks. + |
Alienstripedwood + | SSssstripey wood. Makess sstripey housse! + |
Ancientblock + | Ancient blocksss. + |
Ancientbrick + | Ancient carved brickss. + |
Ancientplatform + | Platform made with sstrange technology. + |
Apexshipdetails + | Ssstrong bolted metal. + |
Apexshipplatform + | Sstrong sship platform. + |
Apexshipsupport + | Ssship sstructural ssupport. + |
Apexshipwall + | Metal panel makess ssmooth wall. + |
Ash + | Big bunch of ashess. + |
Asphalt + | Sssticky asphalt ssmelly like tar. + |
Aztecmaterial + | Floran cannot undersstand ssymbolss. + |
Aztectech + | Brickss covered in sstrange markingss. + |
B | |
Bamboo + | Fresssh bamboo stalkss. + |
Bambooplatform + | Floran grow sstrong bamboo for platformsss. + |
Bars + | Sstrong metal barsss. + |
Baseboard + | Fancy wall boardsss. + |
Bigapescreen + | Floran thinksss ssso-called 'big' ape not so big. + |
Biorock + | Floran likess yellow glowing rockss. + |
Biorock2 + | Blue rockss faintly glow. + |
Blackblock + | ... + |
Blackglass + | Floran can hide behind dark glasss. + |
Blaststone + | Ssharp rockss are sstrong. + |
Blueneonsymbol + | Floran like glowy ssymbolss. + |
Bonematerial + | Bonesss! + |