Property:Has materialId

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This is a property of type String.

It contains the unique id assigned to each material type.

Pages using the property "Has materialId"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Alienrock +143  +
Alienstripedwood +144  +
Ancientblock +186  +
Ancientbrick +184  +
Ancientplatform +189  +
Apexshipdetails +167  +
Apexshipplatform +176  +
Apexshipsupport +168  +
Apexshipwall +169  +
Ash +37  +
Asphalt +408  +
Aztecmaterial +1  +
Aztectech +54  +


Bamboo +117  +
Bambooplatform +118  +
Bars +55  +
Baseboard +98  +
Biorock +1430  +
Biorock2 +1431  +
Blackblock +990  +
Blackglass +110  +
Blaststone +38  +
Blueneonsymbol +112  +
Bonematerial +129  +
Bookpiles +120  +
(previous 25) (next 25)