Property:Has text

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This is a property of type String.

It contains a the quest text for each quest as displayed when offered and shown in the quest log.

Pages using the property "Has text"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Quest/apex mission1 +I think we should begin our hunt for the ^orange;Apex artifact^reset;. The Apex are generally found on ^orange;frozen planets^reset; around ^orange;frozen stars^reset;, so those are ^green;the best places to search for the ^orange;clues^green; we need^reset;. Wrap up warm dear, and remember: Apex society is in upheaval at the moment, so be on your guard.  +
Quest/apex mission2 +I'm afraid the ^orange;Apex artifact^reset; is being held in a ^orange;Miniknog stronghold^reset;. It may be hard to get access, dear. Please ^green;be careful down there^reset;, the Miniknog can be vicious.  +
Quest/avian mission1 +^orange;Avians^reset; next I think! Probably best to ^green;go to planets where ^orange;jungle^white; terrain is in abundance - Avians like to inhabit such places. You'll find those kinds of planets around ^orange;radioactive stars^white;. See you soon, dear. Be careful, and happy hunting!  +
Quest/avian mission2 +^green;The ^orange;Avian artifact^green; is in ^orange;The Great Sovereign Temple^white;; one of the largest structures devoted to Kluex that the Avians have ever built. These temples tend to be guarded, so take care inside dear.  +
Quest/bootship +The ship is damaged and you are floating alone in space. Your best bet is to boot up the ship computer and see if anything good comes of it.  +
Quest/destroyruin +I have something to tell you, dear, and something to ^orange;show you^reset;. ^green;It's time for me to ask more of you than I've ever asked before^reset;... I believe you're ready for this task, do you?  +
Quest/firstcrops +Now that I've got a hoe and a watering can, I can start farming! I should ^green;till and water some soil for planting^white; and ^orange;harvest 5 wheat and 5 pearlpeas^white;.  +
Quest/floran mission1 +Now that you're familiar with scanning, ^green;we need to start finding these ^orange;artifacts^white;, dear. Yes, the Floran one first... Their colonies will contain vital ^orange;clues^reset; to its whereabouts. Floran live all over nowadays, but still prefer the dense ^orange;forest^white; vegetation of planets found around ^orange;gentle stars^white;. Good luck dear, and thank you.  +
Quest/floran mission2 +The clues you collected reveal that the ^orange;Floran artifact^reset; is enshrined in ^orange;The Ceremonial Hunting Caverns^reset;. Judging from what I've found out, you'll need to ^green;compete in a ritual hunt to get it^reset;. I've given SAIL the co-ordinates you need. Be careful dear.  +
Quest/floranarena1 +Hey, champion! A guy invited me to a ^orange;gladiator arena tournament^white;, but I think you should go inssstead. If you're feeling tough, ^green;talk to me and I can ssend you there for the first round^white;!  +
Quest/floranarena2 +Ssomeone else has challenged you in arena combat! It's a Floran beast tamer named ^orange;Volo^white;. ^green;Come talk to me when you're ready to go^white;.  +
Quest/floranarena3 +I've got one last challenge for you! A creepy guy in armour called ^orange;Templar Inferno^white; wants to fight you. He likess fire, and I mean a lot. Maybe take some Burn Spray to defend yourself from his horde of flaming monsterss... ^green;Anyway, speak to me when you're ready and I'll warp you there^white;.  +
Quest/ftlrepairmain +Now that I can visit the planets within this solar system ^green;I need to start looking at how to repair my FTL drive, ^orange;SAIL will probably know more.  +
Quest/fuel +To fuel an FTL drive you need Liquid Erchius. This pink liquid ^green;can be found in ^orange;pools underground^green; on ^orange;airless planets^white;. I should pick up at least ^orange;20 units of Liquid Erchius ^white;to fuel my ship. It should enable me to travel to a nearby system.  +
Quest/gaterepair +We are currently in orbit around an unknown world. The ship is heavily damaged and we are unable to leave orbit. I suggest you ^green;beam down to the planet's surface using the ^orange;teleporter^white;, and search for supplies and perhaps a means of fixing the ship.  +
Quest/glitch mission1 +Now we need to find the ^orange;Glitch artifact^reset;. Glitch tend to reside on planets with a lot of ^orange;volcanic activity^reset; (they seem to find them vaguely comforting). Volcanic planets occur around ^orange;fiery stars^reset;. ^green;Best to search there for ^orange;clues^white;. I know the Glitch are a little offbeat, but don't underestimate them: look after yourself dear.  +
Quest/glitch mission2 +The ^orange;Glitch artifact^reset; is in a castle, under the care of a certain, slightly odd, Glitch. ^green;Would you go to his keep and talk to him^reset;, dear?  +
Quest/hoe +To start farming, I'll need a way to till the soil. I should ^orange;craft a hoe ^green;using some wood and copper bars^white;.  +
Quest/human mission1 +I can repair that ship, but it's gonna take 20 ^orange;Erchius Crystals^reset;... You'd better ^green;get yerself over to the Erchius Mining Facility^reset;. I've sent the location coordinates to ^green;yer ship's SAIL^reset;.  +
Quest/hylotl mission1 +We should start work on finding the ^orange;Hylotl artifact^reset; now. Search around ^orange;temperate stars^reset;, ^green;and hunt for ^orange;clues^white; on planets with vast tracts of ^orange;ocean^reset;, where the Hylotl reside both above and below the waves. ^green;Come back here when your search is complete^reset;; and look after yourself.  +
Quest/hylotl mission2 +From what you've found, it seems the ^orange;Hylotl artifact^reset; is cloistered deep beneath the ocean in a place called ^orange;The Grand Pagoda Library^reset;. The Library is very ancient, ^green;it should be an interesting place to visit^reset;.  +
Quest/illegalshipupgrade1 +This ship license is definitely legitimate. ^green;Visit Penguin Pete^reset; with ^orange;2 Upgrade Modules^reset; to upgrade your ship.  +
Quest/illegalshipupgrade2 +This ship license is unquestionably authentic. ^green;Visit Penguin Pete^reset; with ^orange;4 Upgrade Modules^reset; to upgrade your ship.  +
Quest/illegalshipupgrade3 +This ship license is indisputably lawful.^green;Visit Penguin Pete^reset; with ^orange;6 Upgrade Modules^reset; to upgrade your ship.  +
Quest/illegalshipupgrade4 +This ship license is entirely and completely legal, for sure. ^green;Visit Penguin Pete^reset; with ^orange;8 Upgrade Modules^reset; to upgrade your ship.  +
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