User:Port lor

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Last edited by Port lor on 2020-11-26 13:10:44.

Penguin-Walk.gif port lor: hello I'm port lor I haven't done much but some stuff I've done is below

one of my custom items I'm working on Armour Shop Sign.png

A History of Space Travel.png

/spawnitem spaceplasmarifle 2 '{"shortdescription":"one-hit","description":"this will one hit any enemy standing in your way hopefully it doesn't break your game.","level":10,"seed":0.5,"animationCustom":{"sounds":{"fire":["/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg"]}},"primaryAbility":{"projectileType":"largemeteor","baseDps":10,"inaccuracy":0,"projectileParameters":{"speed":100,"power":`100,"knockback":1}}}'

Plasma Assault Rifle Icon.png
Plasma Assault Rifle.gif


I was also a part of the information Distortion program but that's basically it

A Departed Floran.png