Asteroid Mining Camp

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Disabled: Not currently available

Asteroid Mining Camp is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay.

Asteroid Mining Camp is one part in a microdungeon set called asteroidencounter. The only other part in that microdungeon set is a partially-hollowed, otherwise unadorned asteroid. The asteroidencounter set is not enabled to appear in any context in the game. It is implemented in PNG format, indicating that is was created during the beta phase of the development, before Tiled was adopted as the preferred dungeon editor.

The asteroid mining camp dungeon part consists of a hollowed out asteroid, into which a base was built using Light Metal blocks and Tungsten Platforms. The base is illuminated using Floodlights and Damaged Fluorescent Lights, and is decorated with Bunker Vents. It features Chained Metal Beds, Metal Crates containing generic loot, and a Broken Supply Cabinet containing valuable loot. A Large Console was supposed to be included, but due to programmer error, fails to spawn when the dungeon is placed.

Entry to the base is gated by Apex Ship Doors arranged to look like an airlock. These doors are too small to allow a mech to pass, which makes sense given that space-capable mechs did not exist at the time that PNG-based dungeons were still being developed.

No monsters or NPCs were included in the asteroid mining camp. The microdungeon set does not contain any declarations of gravity or atmosphere, so neither would exist if this dungeon were placed in an Asteroid Field, as the file naming would appear to indicate was the intent.

However, that is not to say that this structure was never implemented at any point. In the early beta builds, this structure could be found in asteroid fields, before it was shortly removed.
