Electric Eggplant

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Electric Eggplant Icon.png
Electric Eggplant
Fluffalo Food
Electric Eggplant.png

Feed this to a fluffalo calf to raise an Electric Fluffalo - a good source of static cells.

Removed: No Longer Available

Electric Eggplant was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Electric Eggplant was special animal feed which could be purchased at Terramart. When fed to a Baby Fluffalo, hatched from a Fluffalo Egg it would evolve into a Electric Fluffalo.

All fluffalo feed was removed from the game when the animals were split into separate eggs.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem electricfluffalofeed
File Name electricfluffalofeed.activeitem
File Path assets/items/active/feed