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Last edited by Lunar Eye Gaming on 2020-11-16 17:28:54.

Decorator nodes are one type of node used to build the behavior trees governing Starbound's NPC AI. These nodes take exactly one child node, and they perform an operation on that node's output.

All decorator nodes are defined in /behaviors/nodes/decorator.nodes.

Decorator Nodes
Node Name Properties Description
inverter n/a Succeeds when the child node fails and fails when the child node succeeds.
failer n/a Fails regardless of the child node's outcome.
succeeder n/a Succeeds regardless of the child node's outcome.
limiter limit
repeater maxLoops, untilSuccess Repeats the child node maxLoops times or until the child node succeeds if untilSuccess is true.
cooldown cooldown, onFail, onSuccess Runs the child node only if cooldown seconds have passed since the last time it ran. onFail determines if the cooldown should start when the child node fails, and onSuccess determines if the cooldown should start when the child node succeeds.
optional shouldRun Runs the child node only if shouldRun is true.
logResult text Sends text formatted with the result of the child node to the Starbound log.
filter list, type Iterates through list and determines whether to keep each item by the outcome of the child node.
each list, type Iterates through list and evaluates the child node with eachItem set as a key.

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