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File Details

File Name glitchhistory3.codex
File Path assets\codex\glitch
icon glitchcover2.png

Data Values

Key Value

itemConfig Price: 25

Rarity: common

description An excerpt from a book investigating the origin of the Glitch.
title Built for Purpose? II
contentPages If we are indeed lab rats that scurry beneath the microscope of higher beings, I must consider the parameters of such an endeavour.

On inspecting other beings I have found technology and society to thrive not at the hands of the many, but of the few. Those few members to whom genius comes without provocation. I believe the Glitch are programmed to be incapable of creative genius and thus our ability to evolve as a species is stagnant., Perhaps our creator intended to deliver those ideas to us at a controlled rate, but our creator has long fallen silent. Glitch salvation lies outside the 1s and 0s that construct our programmers prison. We must break free of our programming.