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File Name humanhistory3.codex
File Path assets\codex\human
icon protectoratecover2.png

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Key Value

itemConfig Price: 25

Rarity: common

description An Academy issued book on the formation of the Terrene Protectorate.
title A United Earth
contentPages Many centuries ago the Earth was governed in a seemingly endless tide of shifting hierarchies; empires rose and fell, nations grew to prominence and collapsed, and wary peace was established only to implode. This volatility spanned millennia.

The Earth we know today was forged when Humankind turned to the stars. At this time resources, once scarce, became abundant, and a shift took place: we recognised both our insignificance and our significance within the universe., Instead of expanding our settlements across the stars, we began to look inward, to strive for balance and a sustainable way of life with the support of newly acquired resources, and to build a solid future for our beloved Earth.