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File Details

File Name townresistance.codex
File Path assets\codex\hylotl\Hiraki Corale
icon hirakicoralejournal2.png

Data Values

Key Value

itemConfig Price: 25

Rarity: common

description An excerpt from Hylotl Adventurer Hiraki Corale's journal.
title La Resistance
contentPages by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer

Turns out the Apex resistance fellows are rather nice! They've given me a room of my own, and even locked the door in case the Miniknog storm in and endanger me. So thoughtful! Earlier, I pulled out my rocket launcher to show them the type of weaponry they should be considering, and it caused such a ruckus!, I've never seen Apex get so excited. One of them was so eager he tried to grab it from me, and we had a little accident involving an RPG and the front of the HQ.