Eyeball Skirt

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Eyeball Skirt Icon.png
Eyeball Skirt
Eyeball Skirt.png
This all-in-one leg covering features a giant living eye. Creepy.
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500

Eyeball Skirt are the legpiece of the Eyeball Set, a costume set found in Eye Chests within Eyepatch mini biomes.


  • Pleased Giraffe: Changed name from 'Eyeball Legs' to 'Eyeball Pants', changed appearance, changed rarity from 'Common' to 'Rare'
  • Cheerful Giraffe: Removed protective stats, changed name from 'Eyeball Pants' to 'Eyeball Skirt'


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem eyeballlegs
File Name eyeball.legs
File Path assets\items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball