Firestorm's Fury

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Firestorm's Fury Icon.png
Firestorm's Fury
Firestorm's Fury.png
Damage Per Swing:30
Rate of Fire:1
Pixels-Sell.png 4500

Firestorm's Fury is a Tier 5 unique broadsword which deals fire damage and inflicts Burning on its targets. It also emits a small amount of light when held.

The design was submitted by a solarium tier pre-order backer, who was granted the perk of designing a weapon to be included in the game.

Its description is "According to legend, this flaming blade was forged by fallen angels."

The primary ability is a simple melee slash with a fire time of 1 second and a tier-adjusted base DPS of 30, producing a base hit power of 30. The attack also has a knockback power of 30 (strong knockback).

The secondary ability, Flamethrower (Sword), is a modified version of the Rocket Spear ability possessed by some generated Spears. Like Rocket Spear, Flamethrower (Sword) consumes 45 energy per second to fire flame projectiles using a fire time of 0.065 seconds (approx. 15.4 shots per second) and has a 0.5-second cooldown when the ability ends. Unlike Rocket Spear, Flamethrower (Sword) does not have a propulsion component to it, making it useless as a mobility aid. This ability has a tier-adjusted base DPS of 27. It has an extremely short range under water.

The Firestorm's Fury is wielded by Templar Inferno in the arena side quest Arena of Fire. The sword will be rewarded to the player after turning in the quest.

When upgraded at a Weapon Upgrade Anvil to tier 6, the primary ability's base DPS increases to 35, producing a new hit power of 35; also, the alt ability's base DPS increases to 31.5. Additionally, the appearance of Firestorm's Fury changes to the one shown below.

Firestorm's Fury (Upgraded).png

Apart from the addition of a gold star to the name, no other changes occur as a result of the upgrade.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem flamingdemonsword
File Name flamingdemonsword.activeitem
File Path assets\items\active\weapons\other\flamingdemonsword