George's Set

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George's Set
George's Set.png
Power Multiplier Stat.png     %
Protection Stat.png     
Max Energy Stat.png     
Max Health Stat.png     
Pixels-Sell.png 0
Removed: No Longer Available

George's Set was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

George's Set is a Cosmetic Armor set which is frequently worn by Starbound artist GeorgeV. It was never available to players through normal gameplay, but its assets existed in the game files. It was removed from the game files in update Rampaging Koala.

Set Pieces

George's Foxy Glasses Icon.png
George's Foxy Glasses
George's Foxy Glasses.png
Some sexy glasses that belong to George. Can you handle them!?
Legendary Pixels-Sell.png 0
George's Chest Swag Icon.png
George's Chest Swag
George's Chest Swag.png
A sexy combination of an awesome jacket and a stylish green shirt made specifically for George. Be in awe!
Rare Pixels-Sell.png
George's Sexy Pants Icon.png
George's Sexy Pants
George's Sexy Pants.png
Some form fitting and sexy pants made specifically for George's bodacious curves! Bask in the glory!
Rare Pixels-Sell.png