GeorgeV was a graphic artist with Chucklefish and the Art Director of Starbound. He left Chucklefish shortly after version 1.0 to work on building his own studio.[1]
George's known contributions include creating Starbound's penguins and designing fossils. He was one of the earliest team members, and was involved with the game's development for over five years.
The in-game mineral "georgidium" was named after GeorgeV. Georgidium Ore was later changed to Rubium Ore. There's a statue, GeorgeV Dev Statue which is modeled after him, and George's Foxy Glasses appear on the developer NPC which has a chance to appear at the Outpost.
Bio originally on Starbound's Team page
The fifth George in a long line of Georges. He is a graphic artist by trade.[2]
GeorgeV posted this in a forum thread titled 'How did you find out about Starbound'
"It was May 2011 and I made some fan art for a certain game and then Tiy was like "d00d I like this!" and I was like "d00d, give me a job!" and soon after I started making the first concept art for what would eventually become known as Starbound."[3]