High Speed Reel

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High Speed Reel Icon.png
High Speed Reel
Fishing Reel
High Speed Reel.png

A reel that winds faster when not under load.

High Speed Reel is a fishing reel which has a chance of being found as treasure from uncommon, rare and legendary fish when caught.

This reel will raise the lure at a speed of 15 tiles per second while a fish is not actively pulling the line, a significant improvement over the default speed of 11 tiles per second.

It can be applied to either a fishing rod or durable fishing rod by selecting the reel in inventory and right clicking the rod to apply it to. Once applied it will be listed in the rod's tooltip. Only one reel can be applied to a rod at once.

Click here for a full list of fish catchable using a rod and details about controls.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem fishingreelfast
File Name fishingreelfast.augment
File Path assets\items\augments\fishing