Neo Tommy Gun

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Neo Tommy Gun Icon.png
Neo Tommy Gun
Unique Weapon
Neo Tommy Gun.png
Damage Per Shot:2.3
Rate of Fire:6.7
Energy Per Shot:29
Special:Shrapnel Bomb
Base Max Damage:
Energy Per Shot:
Pixels-Sell.png 1620

Neo Tommy Gun is a unique two handed machine gun. Its Tier is determined by the threat level of the planet it spawns on, allowing Tier 6 versions to exist.

When tracking down a bounty target, on rare occasions one of their gang members may drop one of the weapons they use on death; this is one of these weapons. Without using admin commands, there is no other way to acquire this weapon.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem neotommygun
File Name neotommygun.activeitem
File Path assets\items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\neotommygun