Slime Hand Grapple

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Slime Hand Grapple Icon.png
Slime Hand Grapple
Slime Hand Grapple.png

Sticky, stretchy, undeniably handy!

Removed: No Longer Available

Slime Hand Grapple was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Slime Hand Grapple was a tool that allowed the player to cast a line to swing, be pulled up or over to another platform. It functioned exactly like a Grappling Hook, and could be found inside the Slime Caves.

It was removed when grappling hook mechanics were reworked in update Cheerful Giraffe.


  • Cheerful Giraffe: Changed grappling hook mechanics, no longer consumable, changed rarity from Common to Legendary, increased price from 25 to 1000, changed from 2-handed to 1-handed, changed description, renamed from 'Slime hand grapple' to 'Slime Hand Grapple', removed


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem slimehandgrapple
File Name slimehandgrapple.activeitem
File Path assets/items/active/grapplinghooks/slimehandgrapple