Striking Yellow Crayon

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Striking Yellow Crayon Icon.png
Striking Yellow Crayon
Striking Yellow Crayon.png
Damage Per Swing:
Rate of Fire:1.6
Pixels-Sell.png 0
Removed: No Longer Available

Striking Yellow Crayon was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Striking Yellow Crayon was a shortsword that resembled a crayon. It was found in Colourful mini biomes.

Striking either an enemy or another player with this weapon coloured the target yellow. Players automatically learned the crafting schematic for this weapon after picking up Striking Red Crayon and obtaining Striking Yellow Crayon taught the schematics for Striking Orange Crayon and Yellow Crayon.

It was removed when the weapon system was overhauled in update Cheerful Giraffe.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem crayonyellow
File Name crayonyellow.sword
File Path assets/items/swords/biome/colorful