Raw Poultry

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Raw Poultry Icon.png
Raw Poultry
Raw Poultry.png

Raw poultry. Might wanna cook it first...

Raw Poultry drops from flying monsters that are found throughout the game on all planets. It can also be dropped by killing chickens found in villages.

None of the racial merchants can sell Raw Poultry.

It can be cooked to make cooked poultry. It has a much higher chance to drop from flying monsters when they are killed with a hunting bow or crossbow.

Status Effects

Ingredient for

Cooked Poultry Icon.png Cooked Poultry 1
Roast Dinner Icon.png Roast Dinner 1



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem rawpoultry
File Name rawpoultry.consumable
File Path assets\items\generic\meat