All-Seeing Cape

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All-Seeing Cape Icon.png
All-Seeing Cape
All-Seeing Cape.png

A cape that allows you to see what's behind you.

All-Seeing Cape is a costume cape that can be found inside Eye Chests within Eyepatch Mini Biomes.

In prior builds this item granted the ability to move the camera off to the side to increase view distance, but it is now only cosmetic since the augment system has been removed.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem eyeback
File Name eye.back
File Path assets\items\armors\backitems\eye
Costume Capes
AA Battery PackAir Pocket GeneratorAll-Seeing CapeAvian God WingsBack SpearBladed WingsBlue CrayonBoilerButterfly WingsCrystal Backpack
Dark CapeDemon WingsFire Lord's CloakFlowery VinesGreen CrayonHalogen PackJeffLantern StickMagic ScrollOrange Crayon
Oxygen TankPaper WingsParachutePredatory BackPre-Historic Fur TailPurple CrayonQuiverRagged CapeRed CrayonShawl of Elation
Short CapeSimple CapeSkeletal WingsSpacesuit BackpackStargazer Acolyte WingsStargazer Priest WingsStargazer Prophet WingsSurvival Gear BackpackTerrifying WingsTiger Tail
Toxic Flower BackpackToxic Waste BackTribal FeathersTurtle ShellUnstable BarrelXenon PackYellow Crayon