Energy is a resource that allows certain weapons and tools to be used. Ranged weapons use energy to manage available ammunition. Energy is also required in order to activate any tech that the player has equipped. Energy is shown in green under the health bar in the upper left corner of the screen. Energy regenerates at a rate proportional to the amount of Energy Regen on the player's armor, but regeneration is stopped momentarily whenever the player takes an action that expends energy. This mechanic requires the player to stop taking energy expending actions momentarily so that the energy pool will begin regenerating.
Managing Energy
Pressing the "I" key by default will bring up the player inventory screen, which lists all player stats, including energy. The default energy pool has a size of 100 points, which can be increased through armor.
Energy Pool
This Energy icon represents the value by which a specific piece of equipment will increase the player's energy pool.
Energy Regen
The Energy Regen icon represents the value by which a specific piece of equipment will increase the player's energy regeneration. Generally this is found on pants, however some vanity helmets and armor provide a considerable boost to this stat. The player has a default of 1 point: each point of Energy Regen recharges the player's energy pool by 10 energy per second. Note that when displayed on equipment, this stat is rounded down to the nearest whole number, so a piece of equipment may give more regeneration than it displays.